We care about your interior.

Care Furniture

The perfect solution for healthcare institutions that are looking for high-quality furniture that is not only comfortable but also aesthetic.

Care Beds

Hospital beds are specialized beds designed to provide comfort, safety, and support to patients in need of medical care. They are used in a wide range of settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home care environments, and are available in various types and configurations to meet the specific needs of patients.

Hospital beds can feature functions such as adjustable height, head and footrests, side rails, and specialized mattresses that offer pressure relief and prevent pressure ulcers. They can also be equipped with advanced monitoring systems and other medical devices to assist healthcare providers in monitoring and treating patients.


Floor beds are specialized hospital beds designed to be placed directly on the floor. They are typically used in acute care settings such as emergency departments and intensive care units, where patients require continuous monitoring and observation.

Floor beds offer several advantages over traditional hospital beds, including improved safety, increased patient mobility, and easier access for medical staff. They are also designed to prevent falls and injuries, which are common risks associated with high-low beds.

Relax Chairs

Relax chairs are specialized chairs designed to provide maximum comfort and support to individuals in need of prolonged rest. They are typically used in healthcare settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, and home care environments, and are available in various sizes and configurations to meet the specific needs of patients.

Relax chairs can feature functions such as adjustable reclining positions, lumbar support, and footrests to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Bedside and Serving Tables

Bedside tables and serving tables are portable tables designed to provide a convenient surface where patients can place items such as food, drinks, medications, and personal belongings. They are typically used in hospitals, nursing homes, and home care environments, and are available in various sizes and configurations to meet the specific needs of patients.

Bedside tables are designed to be placed next to the bed and can feature functions such as adjustable height, wheels for mobility, and storage compartments for the patient’s belongings. Serving tables are designed for use in communal areas such as dining rooms or lounges and can feature functions such as folding legs for easy storage, adjustable height, and locking mechanisms for safety.

Sofa Beds

Sofa beds are versatile furniture pieces designed to provide both seating and sleeping accommodations in one convenient package. They are typically used in homes, apartments, and other living spaces where space is limited, and are available in various sizes and configurations to meet the specific needs of users.

Sofa beds can feature functions such as easy-to-use mechanisms that transform the sofa into a bed, as well as comfortable mattresses that ensure a good night’s sleep.